A dialogue between two friends about the importance of punctuality or proper use of time is illustrated below:
Shovon: Hi Tahsan, today is holiday; let’s go fishing in the river.
Tahsan: Hi Shovon! It’s a good proposal. I feel like joining with you but I have to study now.
Shovon: What’s the matter? Don’t you complete your lesson daily?
Tahsan: Sorry, Shovon. Truly speaking, I cannot cope with my school works. They are always left out.
Shovon: I guess, you don’t follow any daily routine and, as a result, you cannot use our time properly. Am I right?
Tahsan: Yes, Shovon, but not exactly that. I don’t think daily routine is so important.
Shovon: What! Daily routine is not important! You are in wrong track, Tahsan. A proper plan of your time will certainly solve your problem.
Tahsan: How?
Shovon: In a daily routine, you’ll budget how much time you’ll spend in reading, eating, playing, reading newspaper and even watching TV. As a result, you won’t lose your time unconsciously.
Tahsan: Really important point. I never thought of proper use of time.
Shovon: And listen. You’ll also have routine for your leisure and holidays. At this, you will never remain anxious about your study and will enjoy your holiday.
Tahsan: How can I prepare a daily routine? Can you help me?
Shovon: Of course.
Tahsan: Many thanks to you for your advice and guideline.
Shovon: You’re always welcome.