A Good Citizen

Characteristics of a Good Citizen 

A country needs good citizens for its proper development. Nobody is a good citizen by birth, everyone achieves it. There are some attributes of a good citizen which a citizen grows up to become a good citizen. According to political scientists, a citizen has to qualify three attributes to become a good citizen. Following are the attributes of a good citizen: 

Self-control: A good citizen must have self-control. This attribute keeps them away from dishonest activities (e.g.: corruption, nepotism, selfishness, partiality, etc.). It is an inspiration to obey the rules and work for society. So, it’s not possible to become a good citizen without this attribute. A good citizen always abides by the rules, respects the opinions of others, and considers the good of the country as their own. They abstain from injustice and partisanship and work for the betterment of the country. This help building a better state. 

Conscientiousness: This characteristic means the sense of good and bad, and the sense of duty. A citizen with intelligence and self-control has to realise the merit of anything before doing that. If it is wrong, they must avoid it and if it is right, they will do it. Again, they have to employ their own conscience to get the correct decision when they are required to solve some social or national problem. Conscience is the ever-awake spirit of a good citizen. Therefore, a good citizen will bear this attribute and inspire others to bear it. 

Barriers to Being a Good Citizen in Bangladesh

Becoming a good citizen is not that easy for the qualities of a good citizen are influenced by family, society as well as state. Our society has different socio-economic and political problems. These problems influence the growth of a good citizen as obstacles. Below is a discussion on some of these barriers:

Indifference: A general disinterestedness on the part of a populace is called indifference. It is an effect of various reasons like illiteracy, lack of proper education, idleness, poverty and negation to responsibility. It is commonly noticed in, our citizens. A citizen grows uninterested to participate in social and political activities of the state due to this. Even, they do not abide by the duties and responsibilities of a citizen.

Self Interest: This is a great impediment on the way to becoming a good citizen. Under its influence, an individual prefers their own interest to the interest of the country. It easily leads the citizen to become involved in corruption, nepotism and partiality. That is why they put personal and party consideration above qualification when casting their votes. They appoint their own relatives in jobs avoiding the qualified candidates. They involve in nepotism and financial irregularities. All these are barriers to becoming good citizen. These harm the interest of the nation.

Partisanship: Democracy cannot do without political parties. As a result, democratic system generally affects a kind of partisanship. In most cases, this kind of attitude creates problem in becoming a good citizen. Partisan attitude forces him or her to criticize the good deeds of opponents and forsake them. This attitude is an impediment to becoming a good citizen

Ignorance and Illiteracy: Ignorant and illiterate people do not know as well as understand many things. About one-third of our population is illiterate. Again, most of the literate has the minimum education. In consequence, they fail to take proper decision whenever that is necessary. They cannot fulfil the demands of the state over them. Therefore, if we are interested to grow a good citizenry in Bangladesh, we have to make them educated with proper education at first.

Religious fanaticism: The growth of good citizenship is obstructed by fanaticism. Such attitude forces an individual to hate other religions. This leads to discrimination and conflicts. This spoils the national integrity, development and advancement.

Pompousness: This is a negative character in a human being. Under its influence, one sees himself or herself above everybody. He/she does not consider opinion of others. He/she tries to impose own opinions over others. It is also a huge barrier to becoming a good citizen.

Sectarianism: Under the influence of sectarianism unease and conflict may arise among different sects in a country. This occurs in a multi-religious country where; one portion of the populace may become violent for certain reasons. This spoils the religious harmony among people and gives birth to sectarian attitude. All should grow a kind heart in order to become a good citizen.

Economic Disadvantage: Bangladesh is a developing nation. About 50% of our population lives below the poverty line. Due to poverty, about one-third population of our country cannot read or write. As a result, their intellect cannot bloom. Their conscience also is not that effective. It is a huge barrier to becoming a good citizen

Measures of Removing the Barriers to Becoming Good Citizens:

1. One has to be patriotic after getting proper education. One has to participate in development activities for the nation forgetting about  all indifference and laziness.

2. One has to remember that country has preferences to individual and forget about any self-interest.

3. One has to be universal instead of being partisan.

4. One has to treat everyone equally irrespective of religion, caste, clan, etc.

5. One has to avoid false pride and give due importance to welfare-oriented opinions. A good proposal of an individual should not be suppressed only with the excuse of the majority

6. Everyone has to be brought to equal status by removing economic disadvantages.

Related Questions:

1. Write down the attribute of good citizen.                                                                     

2. What is meant by ‘conscience’? 

3. What does self- control help a citizen abstain from?

4. What are the attribute of a good citizen influenced by?

5. Describe the attributes of good citizen.

6. ‘An intelligent citizen is a resource for any nation’- explain this statement.

7. Why does partisanship create a barrier in becoming a good citizen?                                                 

8. How does self-interest harm the nation’s interest?                                                                                     

9. How does sectarianism create conflict in the society? 

10. Sectarianism is a barrier to becoming a good citizen. – Explain.

11. What do you mean by Pompousness?  

12. Describe the barriers to being a good citizen in Bangladesh. 13. Describe the measures of removing the barriers to becoming good Citizen