
An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun. Adjectives can be used to provide additional …

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Active Voice

The active voice is a grammatical voice that describes a sentence in which the subject performs the action described by …

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Abstract Noun

An abstract noun is a type of noun that refers to ideas, concepts, or feelings that cannot be perceived through …

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What is a preposition? I bought a book for my son. উপরের বাক্যটিতে My Son এর আগে For বসে এর …

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Definition: Person is a grammar item used to distinguish among (1) those who speaking, (2) those being addressed, and (3) …

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Transformation of Sentence with Exercise

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1. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets.

(a) Rana is one of the most meritorious boys in our class. (Make it a positive sentence.)

Very few boys in the class are as meritorious as Rana

(b) He is always attentive in the class. (Make it a negative sentence without changing meaning.)

He is never inattentive in the class.

(c) He is never disobedient to his teachers. (Make it an affirmative sentence.)

He is always obedient to his teachers.

(d) No other boys in our class is as popular as Rana. (Make it a superlative sentence.)

Rana is the most popular boys in our class.

(e) A boy like him is always loved by all. (Make it an interrogative sentence.)

Isn't a boy like him always loved by all?

2. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets:

Bangladesh is a land of rivers. (a) The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh. (Comparative) (b) It is called the river of destruction (Active) (c) The river is very turbulent. (Negative) (d) Everybody knows this. (Interrogative) (e) Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore. (Passive)

a. The Padma is bigger than most other rivers in Bangladesh. b. People call it the river of destruction. c. The river is not calm at all. d. Who doesn't know this? e. Its shore is visited by tourists from home and abroad.

3. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets :

(a)   No other thing is as useful as the computer. (Superlative)

(b)   Every student needs a computer. (Negative)

(c)   A poor student cannot buy it. (Interrogative)

(d)   It is one of the greatest inventions of science. (Positive)

(e)   It was not invented overnight. (Active)

a. The computer is the most useful thing. b. There is no student but needs a computer. c. Can a poor student buy it? d. Very few inventions of science are as great as it. e. Scientists did not invent it overnight.

4. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets :

(a) Everybody works hard to gain his object. (Negative) (b) Life is nothing but a struggle. (Interrogative) (c) Who does not want to succeed in life? (Assertive) (d) Industry brings success. (Passive) (e) Industry is the most important secrets for shining in life. (Positive)

a. There is nobody but works hard to gain his object. b. Is life anything but a struggle? c. Everybody wants to succeed in life. d. Success is brought by industry. e. Very few secrets for shining in life are as important as industry.

5. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets :

(a)   The bee is a very industrious insect (Negative).

(b)   Very few insects are as industrious as the bee (Comparative).

(c)   It flies from flower to flower to collect honey (Interrogative).

(d)   In winter, it does not remain active (Affirmative).

(e) We should follow the life of a bee (Passive).

a. The bee is not a lazy insect at all. b. The bee is more industrious than most other insects. c. Doesn't it fly from flower to flower to collect honey? d. In winter, it remains inactive. e. The life of the bee should be followed by us.

6. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets :

(a)   Mr. Jamal is the wisest man in the village. (Comparative)

(b)   He is sincere. (Negative)

(c)   He leads a simple life. (Interrogative)

(d)   Nobody dislikes him (Affirmative)

(e)   We should follow him. (Passive)

a. Mr. Jamal is wiser than any other man in the village. b. He is not insincere. c. Doesn't he lead a simple life? d. Everybody likes him. e. He should be followed by us.

7. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets :

(a)   Akash is one of the most brilliant students in his class. (Make it comparative)

(b)   He is very attentive to his studies. (Make it Negative)

(c)   He is never late to go to school. (Make it affirmative)

(d)   He goes to school regularly. (Make it Interrogative)

(e)   Who does not love him very much? (Make it Assertive)

a. Akash is more brilliant than most other students in his class. b. He is not inattentive to his studies at all. c. He is always punctual to go to school. d. Doesn't he go to school regularly? e. Everyone loves him very much.

8. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets :

(a)   Very few metals are as useful as iron. (Superlative)

(b)   It is used for construction purposes. (Active)

(c)   Bangladesh imports iron from other countries. (Interrogative)

(d)   It is a heavy metal. (Negative)

(e)   There is no building without iron. (Affirmative)

a. Iron is one of the most useful metals. b. People use it for construction purposes. c. Doesn't Bangladesh import iron from other countries. d. It is not a light metal. e. Every building is with iron.

9. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets :

(a) Mr. Rahman is the oldest man in our village. (Make it positive) (b) But he is not inactive at all. (Make it affirmative without changing meaning) (c) He always gets up early. (Make it interrogative) (d) He is wiser than any other man in our area. (Make it superlative) (e) He is always respected by all. (Make it active)

a. No other man in our village is as old as Mr. Rahman. b. But he is very active. c. Doesn't he always get up early? d. He is the wisest man in our area. e. All always respect him.

10. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. (P. N. Govt. Girls’ High School, Rajshahi)

(a)   The Jamuna is one of the biggest rivers (Comparative).

(b)   During summer it becomes shrunken (Interrogative).

(c)   It is very graceful during the rainy season (Exclamatory).

(d)   However, doesn’t the Jamuna cause floods and erosion at times? (Assertive)

(e)   Then it does not look calm at all (Affirmative).

a. The Jamuna is bigger than most other rivers. b. Doesn't it become shrunken during summer? c. How graceful it is during the rainy season! d. However, the Jamuna causes floods and erosion at times. e. Then it looks very turbulent.

11. Change the sentences as directed in the brackets. (Dinajpur Zilla School, Dinajpur)

(a) Pahela Boishakh is celebrated with traditional festivities across the country. (Active) (b) No other day is celebrated so gorgeously as the day. (Comparative) (c) In keeping with the age old tradition, traders and shopkeepwers open halkhata. (Interrogative) (d) National dailies cannot but bring out special supplements on the day. (Affirmative) (e) The procession brought out by the teachers and students of the Institute of Fine Arts of Dhaka University is very colourful. (Exclamatory)

a. The country celebrates Pahela Boishakh with traditional festivities across the country. b.The day is celebrated more gorgeously than any other day. c. Don't traders and shopkeepers open halkhata, in keeping with the age old tradition? d. National dailies must bring out special supplements on the day. e. How colourful the procession brought out by the teachers and students of the Institute of Fine Arts of Dhaka University is!

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ইংরেজি ভাষায় কিছু Noun -এর পূর্বে a, an, the ব্যবহার করে Noun এর নির্দিষ্টতা বা অনির্দিষ্টতা বুঝানাে হয়। তখন ঐ …

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