Cloze Test Without Clues

Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        An honest man is true to (a) _____ words. He does not deviate from the (b) _____ of honesty. He knows that  (c) _____ consist in honesty. So he does not (d) _____ victim to any greed. He has no ambition for (e) _____ things.

        Ans.  (a) his; (b) path; (c) virtue; (d) fall; (e) earthly.

2.     Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

Education (a) _____ the backbone of a nation. No nation can (b) _____ without it. It is the (c) _____ that removes the darkness of the mind. It (d) _____ the power that (e) _____ the nation to the path of prosperity.

Ans.  (a) is; (b) prosper; (c) spell; (d) possesses; (e) leads.

3.     Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

Our country abounds with (a) _____ resources. Gas is one of (b) _____ The development of our country (c) _____ largely on it. It is our (d) _____ to utilize this resource (e) _____

Ans. (a) many; (b) them; (c) depends; (d) duty; (e) properly.

4.     Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

A book is our best friend. By (a)_____books we can know the previous history (b) _____ the world. It is also   (c)_____ the living history of the world. It gives us innocent joy (d) _____ cannot be expected from our friends. Books are always ready to be by our (e) _____.

Ans. (a) reading; (b) of; (c) called; (d) which; (e) side.

5.     Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

Naturally everybody wants to succeed in (a) _____. Some one becomes successful by dint of (b) _____ and perseverance. Success can surely bring (c) _____. But failure makes a person feel (d) _____ sad In fact, industry is the (e) _____ to success.

Ans. (a) life; (b) hard work; (c) happiness; (d) extremely; (e) key.

6.     Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

Trees (a) _____ very useful to man. They (b) _____ the rich top soil from getting washed away by rain water and floods. (c) _____ provide us with food and (d) _____. We get (e) _____from trees.

Ans. (a) are; (b) protect; (c) Trees; (d) shelter; (e) oxygen.

7.     Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

Truthfulness is a noble virtue. It is (a) _____ to be the noblest of all virtues. It denotes the man’s (b) _____ of speaking the truth. This virtue (c) _____ a man nothing but it earns him a lot. For example it crowns a man with (d)_____ dignity. Besides, everybody believes him and shows him (e) _____ respect.

Ans. (a) considered; (b) habit; (c) pays; (d) honour; (e) due.

8.     Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

Bangladesh is one of the most over (a) _____ counties of the world. Her b)_____ area is smaller than most      (c) _____ countries but she has a large (d) ¾¾. She lost more than three (e) _____ people in the war of 1971.

Ans. (a) populated; (b) land; (c) other; (d) population; (e) million.

9.     Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Freedom does not (a) _____ upon a nation, rather it has to be (b) _____ by (c) _____ struggle. Again, political independence and economic Independence must (d) _____ together to (e) _____ total independence possible.

        Ans. (a) descend; (b) earned/achieved; (c) hard; (d) come; (e) make.

10.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Once upon a time there (a) _____ a poor caretaker. He was very honest, sincere, (b) _____ and (c) _____. His duty was to (d) _____ after a large mango (e) _____.

        Ans. (a) lived/was; (b) hard-working; (c) truthful; (d) look; (e) orchard.

11.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        To be an independent country four components are mandatory. They are the land, population, (a) _____ and a geographical (b) _____. Among these four components, (c) _____ is the most important. Without (d) _____ it, no nation can (e) _____ the sweet fruit of independence.

        Ans. (a) sovereignty; (b) position/location; (c) sovereignty; (d) gaining; (e) enjoy.

12.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Sadek was poor but he is intelligent and at the same (a) _____ studious. So poverty could not stand   (b) _____ his way of success. He would always (c) _____ attentively. He never neglected his study. By studying much he succeeded in life in spite of (d) _____. Like Sadek it is the duty of all students to study with great sincerity and thus they can be (e) _____.

        Ans. (a) time; (b) in; (c) study; (d) poverty; (e) successful.

13.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        A fisherman is a person who earns his (a) _____ by catching and selling (b) _____. Generally a fisherman
(c) _____ by the rivers, big canals, marshy lands and seas. He works (d) _____ all day and all night. He is always (e) _____ in various activities.

        Ans. (a) livelihood; (b) fish; (c) lives; (d) hard; (e) busy.

14.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Paper is a very useful (a) _____. We cannot do (b) _____ it. In the past paper was not in use in our      (c) _____. At first the people of China (d) _____ paper. The people of that (e)_____ used palm leaves instead of paper.

        Ans. (a) thing; (b) without; (c) country; (d) invented; (e) time/country.

15.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Nowadays we are not content with (a) _____ we have or earn. We want to become rich (b) _____. But we must not (c) _____ that it is not easy for an honest man to be wealthy in a short time. Taking bribes or accumulating money in an illegal (d) _____, a man may become rich. But doesn’t it (e) _____ submitting to dishonesty?

        Ans. (a) what; (b) overnight; (c) forget; (d) way; (e) mean.

16.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Every nation of the world (a) _____ its own traditional games and sports. They are as (b) _____ for life as food and drink. A man eats and drinks to (c) _____ his hunger and to quench his (d) _____. But he takes part in games and sports to build up his body and to (e) _____ up his mind.

        Ans. (a) has; (b) necessary; (c) satisfy; (d) thirst; (e) build.

17.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Corruption is one of the main (a) _____ of the developing countries like Bangladesh. It draws (b)_____ wheel of the economy. For this (c) _____ blame one another. In order to (d) _____ out of the paws of the   (e) _____ of corruption, self-criticism, self-restraint, self-purification and above all patriotism is necessary.

        Ans. (a) problems; (b) the; (c) we; (d) get; (e) evils.

18.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        (a) _____ are our best friends. They are a great (b) _____ of food and vitamins, shelter and oxygen. They make the land (c) _____ (d) _____ keep the soil strong. (e) _____ save us from flood and many other natural calamities.

        Ans. (a) Trees; (b) source; (c) fertile; (d) and; (e) They.

19.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Discipline means doing any work according (a) _____ the general rules of conduct. All (b) _____ from their own position should maintain (c) _____. To learn something well, the students (d) _____ be disciplined. The players should maintain (e) _____ too.

        Ans. (a) to; (b) people; (c) discipline; (d) must/should; (e) discipline.

20.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Sports are not only a matter of entertainment but also an important aspect of the development of (a) _____ relationship when those are held internationally. The venue of such sports is a meeting place of people from (b) _____ countries. They develop mutual understanding and can come (c) _____ to each other. They can (d) _____ their views and opinions and listen to others. Thus they create a (e) _____ of brotherhood among them.

        Ans. (a) mutual; (b) different; (c) close; (d) exchange; (e) feeling/sense.

21.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        The most wonderful and the (a) _____ invention of modern science is computer. It is actually a technical (b) _____ of computing. It is capable of doing very (c) _____ works. It can solve the most complex mathematical problems. It can also perform many other things at once and without any (d) _____. It works very swiftly and
(e) _____.

        Ans. (a) useful; (b) device; (c) complicated/complex; (d) mistake; (e) accurately.

22.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Honesty is a (a) _____ quality in a man’s life. It helps a man to (b) _____ in life. An honest man us loved and (c) _____ by all. Nobody likes a (d) _____ man. A dishonest man (e) _____ in the long run.

        Ans. (a) good; (b) prosper; (c) respected; (d) dishonest; (e) suffers.

23.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Mobile phone is an important (a) _____ of communication and correspondence. People can communicate by using it with the shortest (b) _____ time. It saves our time and money. It has made our life easy, (c) _____ and comfortable. It has both positive and (d) _____ sides. Videos and audios are (e) _____in the mobile phone.

        Ans. (a) device; (b) possible; (c) fast; (d) negative; (e) stored.

24.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

Time is very valuable. Time whish is lost once, is (a) _____ forever. There is a proverb that ‘Time and tide (b) _____ for none’. It is time which does not have (c) _____ relative feeling. If it is not used properly, one (d) _____ suffer in the long run. On the other hand, (e) _____ can go a long way by being conscious of the value of time.

        Ans. (a) lost; (b) wait; (c) a; (d) will; (e) one.

25.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Time is highly valuable. Time waits for (a) _____. Everyone of us should make proper use of time. The success of the man who makes (b) _____ use of time is certain. Those who (c) _____ time cannot succeed in life. All great men of (d) _____ world have made proper use of time. We should follow their (e) _____if we really want to succeed in life.

        Ans. (a) none; (b) proper; (c) waste; (d) the; (e) path.

26.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Truthfulness is a noble virtue. It is (a) _____ to be the greatest of all virtues. It (b) _____ the habit of speaking the truth. It may not make one (c) _____ but gives peace in mind. Moreover truthfulness crowns a man with d) _____. So everybody believes him and shows him (e) _____ respect.

        Ans. (a) considered; (b) is/means; (c) wealthy; (d) respect/honour/dignity; (e) due.

27.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Independent Bangladesh is our (a) _____. It is the duty of (b) _____ of us to build up our country. The student’s role is (c) _____. They have to bear in (d) _____ that they are responsible citizens of this country. Their (e) _____ is to keep away the country from corruption and work for the country.

        Ans. (a) homeland/motherland/country; (b) all; (c) important/greater; (d) mind; (e) duty.

28.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Bees (a) _____ a systematic life. There are three kinds of bees-queen, drone (male) and workers (female bees). The different kinds of bees have different (b) _____ to do. The queen lays eggs and leads the swarming bees. The male bees fertilize the eggs (c) _____ by the queen. The female bees are hard workers and they do various functions. They (d) _____ the hive and honey-combs. They (e) _____ nectar from flowers. They store honey in the honey-combs.

        Ans. (a) lead/live; (b) works/duties; (c) laid; (d) make; (e) collect.

29.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        The name of our country is Bangladesh. The people of our country are (a) _____ loving. We (b) _____ in peaceful co-existence. We want to live (c) _____ and wish all well. ‘Love for all and (d) _____ for none is our philosophy of life. We (e) _____ the people of the whole world as our relatives.

        Ans. (a) peace; (b) live; (c) well; (d) malice; (e) treat.

30.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        Dhaka (a) _____ on the Buriganga. It is an old (b) _____. The city is (c) _____. People of different (d) _____ live in the city. Their occupation is not the (e) _____.

        Ans. (a) stands; (b) city; (c) big; (d) classes; (e) same.

31.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

A stitch in time saves nine. This is a very well-known (a) _____. (b) _____ people don’t care about anything. (c) _____put off a job for tomorrow (d) _____ they are not sure whether tomorrow (e) _____ come.

        Ans. (a) proverb; (b) some/Many; (c) They; (d) but; (e) will.

32.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

        If we cut trees at random, one day our country will (a) _____into a desert. All living animals and birds will not find any (b) _____ or shelter to live in. They will be (c) _____. There will be no rain and as a result our agriculture will face a great (d) _____. The temperature will rise and it will cause the greenhouse (e) _____. The country will be unsuitable for living.

        Ans. (a) turn; (b) place; (c) destroyed/extinct; (d) crisis/problem; (e) effect.