English Solution Class 8 2024 onward || New Curriculum

Dear Students, you are doing well. Are you enjoying the new curriculum? Hope you enjoying the English classes of this new curriculum. This year you have received a new English book by NCTB which a packed with many new topics. Here we gonna discuss (English Solution Class 8) that means we will try to update this post regularly where you will get the English solution of class 8 of different experiences. In this new curriculum we are calling experiences instead of chapter of unit.

NCTB Class 8 English Solution English Version for Bangladesh English Medium Board. Bangladesh Class 8 English Solution by Experienced Teacher.

  • Experience 1 : Beauty in Poetry
  • Experience 2 : The Bizhu Festival
  • Experience 3 : Language and Power
  • Experience 4 : Paraphrasing and Rephrasing
  • Experience 5 : Writing Cohesively
  • Experience 6 : Introducing Someone Formally
  • Experience 7 : A Hole in the Fence
  • Experience 8 : Life in the Woods
  • Experience 9 : Writing Differently
  • Experience 10 : Success is Counted Sweetest
  • Experience 11 : The Merchant of Venice

Experience 1 : Beauty in Poetry

1.1.1 Read the expression in the bubble. Then, in pairs/groups ask and
answer the questions that follow. Later, share your responses with
the whole class.

a. Have you ever been compared with anyone or to anything like Riana?
b. Whom/what have you been compared to?
c. Why did s/he compare you with that thing/person?
d. How did you feel then?
e. Do you think that comparing one thing to another similar thing helps us to under-
stand something/someone better? If yes, how?

Solution of Activity 1.1.1

  1. Yes, I have been compared with someone before.
  2. I have been compared with famous rabindra songit singer Rezwana Choudhury Bannya.

Solution of Activity 1.1.2

1.1.2 Now, in groups, discuss and identify some good qualities (2-3) of your friends. Next, identify something/someone that has a similar quality. Finally, make a comparison between the two and share it in the class.

Name of your friendName of your friend’s qualitySimilar person/thingsThe sentence you use to make the comparison
Shuvo1. a fast runner
2. a good footballer
3. a good student
1.Usain Bolt, the famous gold medalist Olympic sprinter
2. lionel messi, widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time
3. Ishwar chandra Bidyasagar
1. Polash runs as fast as usain Bolt.
2. Shuvo plays as good as Messi.
3. Shuvo is as meritorious as Ishwar chandra Bidyasagar.

1.2.1 Read the two texts given below. And then discuss the following questions in pairs/groups. Next, share your thoughts with the class.

a. Read the two texts and list the changes made in Text-2.
b. Do you think these changes make Text-2 more interesting and meaningful than
Text-1? If your answer is yes/no, explain it with examples.
c. Do you think these changes in Text-2 establish a strong connection between the
text and readers? If your answer is yes/no, explain it with examples.
d. Do you think, these changes help you to create a picture of the village in your mind?
Again, explain your answer with an example.

Solution of Activity 1.2.1

a. Here are the changes made in Text 2 compared to text 1.

  • In text 2, we get a details particulars to beautifully present the imagery, such as “as sweet as honey”.
  • We can get the use of similes to create comparison like “as quiet as sleeping baby”.
  • Sentence structure has been improved by eliminating repetition same words etc.

b. Yes, I do. I think the changes make Text 2 more interesting and meaningful than Text 1 because the changes has made Text 2 is more engaging than text 1.

c. Yes, I think these changes in Text-2 establish a strong connection between the text and readers because the use of similes and imageries helps the readers visualize and experience the village in an excellent way.

d. Yes, I think, these changes help you to create a picture of the village in our mind. We can see the use of similes like “sleeping baby” and “as busy as bees” gives a clear picture of the village in our mind. “as busy as bees” upholds the business of the market area.

Experience 2 : The Bizhu Festival

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