Fiverr started its journey on February 1, 2010. Fiverr is a marketplace where you can sell any of your skills as a service. There are more such marketplaces such as, etc. Fiverr has quickly become popular and is currently one of the top freelancer marketplaces in the world. Thousands of freelancers today are earning 4 figure dollars (1,000) from You can also earn from fiber if you have skills. The service that the freelancer sells is known as “Gigs” which starts from 5 $.
How to open an account in Fiverr Marketplace?
There are some rules to follow to set up an account. If the account is created in the right way then the the chances of getting a jobs will be increased.
- Click on the link to open account.
- You will then be taken to the page below. Now click on become a seller from this page.
- After clicking on “become a seller” a form like below will appear. Where to join Google and Facebook. Use a new email address for profession use.
- Then click on Join with a unique username and password
- Then a confirmation message will be sent to your email. Open the message and click on Active Your Account
- Your Fiber account will be active in this step. Your account is successfully opened in this step.
What you should remember:
- Use your real name.
- Add to social profile.
- Security questions need to be determined properly.
- Use a lively profile picture.
- Who are you, how many years of experience and what you are offering, write clearly in short.