Physical Exercise – Composition

Physical exercise is the movement of the limbs of our body with rules. We cannot enjoy good health without physical exercise. It keeps our health good. It also keeps us free from diseases.

There are many kinds of physical exercises like walking, swimming, running etc. Different kinds of games such as football, cricket, hockey, badminton etc. are healthy exercises. All forms of exercises are not equally suitable to all. Games are quite good for the young. On the other hand, walking is good for people of all age.

Morning and evening are the best time of taking physical exercise. We should take exercise in the open air. We should not take exercise in empty stomach or just after taking a meal.

Physical exercise is very necessary for us. Our life is full of activities. One can overcome them by his physical fitness. It improves our health and makes us strong and active. There is a proverb “A sound mind lies in a sound body”. If the body is unsound, the mind must be unsound. A sound body depends on regular exercise. It also improves our power of digestion. It keeps a man free from diseases. Physical exercise is a natural doctor of a person.

Physical exercise is the most important for students. They do hard mental work. So they need a sound body and sound mind which depends on regular exercise.

Those who do not take regular exercise soon lose their health. They do not find interest and happiness in life. Sometimes life becomes dull to them.

We all know health is wealth. It is the root of all happiness. Physical exercise enables us to earn this wealth. So we should take physical exercise regularly.

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