Learn Tag Question Rules Easily

Tag শব্দের অর্থ জুড়ে দেওয়া এবং Question শব্দের অর্থ প্রশ্ন।
যেমনঃ I am going to school, aren’t I?
সাধারনত ৩ ধরনের sentence- এর ক্ষেত্রে Tag Question হয়। তাহলোঃ 1. Assertive 2. Imperative 3. Exclamatory
Tag Question গঠনের সময় ব্যবহৃত Auxiliary verb কে operator বলে। সেগুলো হলোঃ am, is, are, was, were, shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must, need, dare, ought, have, has, had, do, does, did.

Tag Question Rules:

Assertive sentence:
## Operator থাকলে- প্রদত্ত বাক্য + (,) + operator + not/ not + pronoun + ?
## Operator না থাকলে- প্রদত্ত বাক্য + (,) + do/ does/ did + not/ not + pronoun + ?
NB: প্রদত্ত বাক্য negative হলে not হবে না। আর affirmative হলে not হবে। Tense অনুযায়ী do/ does/ did ব্যবহার করতে হবে।

Tag Question of Imperative sentence

Contractions for Tag Question:

  • Am not = aren’t
  • Is not = isn’t
  • Are not = aren’t
  • Was not = wasn’t
  • Were not = weren’t
  • Will not = won’t
  • Shall not = shan’t
  • Can not = can’t
  • Could not = couldn’t
  • May not = mayn’t
  • Has not = hasn’t
  • Have not = haven’t
  • Had not = hadn’t
  • Do not = don’t
  • Does not = doesn’t
  • Did not = didn’t
  • Ought not = oughtn’t
  • Dare not = daren’t
  • Need not = needn’t
  • Might not = mightn’t
  • Must not = mustn’t

Tag Question Rules and Exercise

Now you know how to use tag questions at the end of a sentence. Check out these sentences it will help you understand Tag question easily. 

Exercise 01

Add tag questions with the following sentences.

  1. The young hardly practice good manners,__________? Ans: do they?
  2. But nobody likes an ill-mannered student, __________? Ans: do they?
  3. Everybody praises a well-mannered student, __________? don’t they?
  4. “Courtesy costs nothing, but pays more.” We should know this maxim, _______? Ans: shouldn’t we?
  5. We seldom teach our young learners manners, ______? Ans: do we?

  1. do they?
  2. do they?
  3. don't they?
  4. shouldn't we?
  5. do we?

Exercise 02

  1. You ought to see a dentist, ……………….? 
  2. Please lend me some money, ……………….?
  3. Neither of the boys is honest, ……………….?
  4. Eat some sweet, ……………….?
  5. He drove the car, ……………….?

  1. oughtn't you?
  2. will you?
  3. do they?
  4. will you?
  5. didn't he?

Exercise 03

  1. Fire burns, ……………….?
  2. Everybody is liable to error, ……………….?
  3. Stop writing, ……………….?
  4. Somebody wanted a drink, ……………….?
  5. Ice floats on water, ……………….?

  1. doesn't it?
  2. aren't they?
  3. will you?
  4. didn't he?
  5. doesn't it?

Exercise 04

  1. Don’t forget, ……………….?
  2. Rina slept, ……………….?
  3. You like, ……………….?
  4. Nobody trusts a liar, ……………….?
  5. Let’s play football, ……………….?

  1. will you?
  2. didn't she?
  3. don't you?
  4. do they?
  5. shall we?

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