Voice Change Exercise with solution (Assertive Sentence)

  1. Mr. Sohel teaches us English.  [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]English is taught us by Mr. Sohel[/su_spoiler]
  2. The cow gives us milk. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]We are given milk by the cow.[/su_spoiler]
  3. Soya writes a letter. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]A letter is written by Soya.[/su_spoiler]
  4. Momo was singing a song. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”] A song was being sung by Momo.[/su_spoiler]
  5. Abid draws a picture. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]A picture is drawn by Abid.[/su_spoiler]
  6. Saykat stopped the guest. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]The guest was stopped by Saykat.[/su_spoiler]
  7. Rizve will help me. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]I will be helped by Rizve.[/su_spoiler]
  8. He gave her the pen. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]The pen was given to her by him.[/su_spoiler]
  9. We should do our duties. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]Our duties should be done by us.[/su_spoiler]
  10. We had finished the work. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]The work had been finished by us.[/su_spoiler]
  11. We elected him chairman. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]He was elected chairman by us.[/su_spoiler]
  12. God loves us. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]We are loved by God.[/su_spoiler]
  13. They are breaking the pitcher. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]The pitcher is being broken by them.[/su_spoiler]
  14. Nobody knows him here. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]He is known to nobody here.[/su_spoiler]
  15. He slept a sound sleep. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]A sound sleep was slept by him.[/su_spoiler]
  16. You should have done it. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]It should have been done by you.[/su_spoiler]
  17. They were building a house. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]A house was being built by them.[/su_spoiler]
  18. We had finished the work. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]The work had been finished by us.[/su_spoiler]
  19. They will be writing the poems. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]The poems will be being written by them.[/su_spoiler]
  20. They are flying kites. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]Kites are being flown by them.[/su_spoiler]
  21. The man told a lie. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”] A lie was told by the man.[/su_spoiler]
  22. They killed themselves. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]They were killed themselves.[/su_spoiler]
  23. You should obey your parents. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]Your parents should be obeyed by you.[/su_spoiler]
  24. We may arrange a meeting. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]A meeting may be arranged by us.[/su_spoiler]
  25. You must learn the lesson. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]The lesson must be learned by you.[/su_spoiler]
  26. You cannot deny the truth. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]The truth cannot be denied by you.[/su_spoiler]
  27. He may not attend the meeting. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]The meeting may not be attended by him. [/su_spoiler] .
  28. They are not painting the poster. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]The poster are not being painted by them.[/su_spoiler]
  29. We have not beaten him. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]He has not been beaten by us.[/su_spoiler]
  30. Father bought me a shirt. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]A shirt was bought for me by father. [/su_spoiler]
  31. They were building a house. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]A house was being built by them.[/su_spoiler]
  32. He has cut his finger. [su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]His finger has been cut by him.[/su_spoiler]

Change the following active voices into passive voices:

Active: They will have given me a book.
Active: Rana will have finished the work.
Active: Mitu will have written it.
Active : Raju will be writing a letter..
Active: You will be doing the job very nicely.
Active: I shall be helping my friend.
Active : Raju will write a letter.
.Active: You will do the job very nicely.
Active: I shall help my friend.
Active : Raju had written a letter.
Active: You had finished the work very nicely.
Active: I had drunk a glass of water.
Active : Raju was writing a letter..
Active: You were doing the job very nicely.
Active: I was helping my friend.
Active : Jony killed a tiger.
Active: You did the job very nicely.
Active : I have written a letter.
Active: Sony has sung a song.
Active: They have played football.
Active: We have won the match.
Active : I am writing a letter.
Active: They are drawing many pictures.
Active: Sony is singing a song.
Active: The horse is caring goods.

[su_spoiler title=”Get Answer” icon=”arrow”]

Passive: A book will have been given me by them.
Passive: The work will have been finished by Rana.
Passive: It will have been written by Mitu
Passive: A letter will be being written by Raju.
Passive: The job will be being done by you very nicely.
Passive: My friend will be being helped by me.
Passive: A letter will be written by Raju
Passive: The job will be done by you very nicely.
Passive: My friend will be helped by me.
Passive: A letter had been written by Raju.
Passive: The work had been finished by you very nicely.
Passive: A glass of water had been drunk by me.
Passive: A letter was being written by Raju.
Passive: The job was being done by you very nicely.
Passive: My friend was being helped by me.
Passive: A tiger was killed by Jony.
Passive: The job was done by you very nicely.
Passive: A letter has been written by me.
Passive: A song has been sung by Sony.
Passive: Football has been played by them.
Passive: The match have been won by us.
Passive: A letter is being written by me.
Passive: Many pictures are being drawn by them.
Passive: A song is being sung by Sony.
Passive: Goods are being carried by the horse.


[su_button url=”https://bd24onlineschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Voice-Change-Exercise-assertive.pdf” target=”blank” style=”flat” size=”10″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Download Voice Change Exercise Sheet PDF[/su_button]

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